Saturday, 17 June 2017

How to Stop Corruption and Paying Off All The Loans Of Pakistan?

Corruption has plagued Pakistan from the very moment it came into existence. Corruption in Pakistan is widespread, and according to 2016 results of Corruption Perception Index of Transparency International, Pakistan ranks 116th place out of 176 countries. 
Well, Pakistani people have more than $300bn outside the country and more than $100bn black money hidden inside the country. It's for sure we are not going to recover this money from them so why not choosing a method to make Pakistan a great independent Country?

How to Stop Corruption in Pakistan?

First, The simplest and easiest way to stop corruption is by converting physical notes into digital currency because no one will be able to do corruption if the system is online and no one prefers bribe in the form of the cheque. If the online system is not possible than Pakistan should ban the currency notes of 5000,1000 and 500 because it will be hard for corrupt people to hide a lot of notes of 100 rupees.

Besides that, Islam too frowns upon bribery and corruption. It is definitely a sinful
act. All benefits derived from sinful activities are definitely unlawful. To this applies
the famous hadith that states that the flesh that grows out of unlawful income has no
place in the hereafter but hell. As it's Islamic Law that if someone steals his hands should be cut off so corruption is also stealing. Creating such laws will stop people from corruption.


So now, the question arise how we will be able to pay off all the loans and make Pakistan a Great Independent country? 

As you know that, Pakistani people have a lot of black money and we are not able to recover the money from them and it's the truth. So the solution is to give them a chance to deposit their hidden black money in the banks and they will have to pay 50 percent amount to government from their black money to convert it into white money. In this way, Pakistan will have more than $200bn from these corrupt people and the current loan of Pakistan is more than $100bn so with that we will pay the loan.Besides that our 60 percent budget is given in loans and after paying off the loan we will get 100 percent of the budget for Pakistan. Imagine a Pakistan with 100 percent budget, we will be able to do a lot of things with that.
The benefit from this will be, people who have a lot of black money will create industries over here instead of creating in other countries so we will also be getting benefit from that too. 

Why I am suggesting Giving Golden Handshake for Corrupt People? 

Well, as you know it's hard to recover our money from them. We have no any other option to get that money back from those corrupt people. 

Another option besides Golden Handshake? 

I have a simple answer, corrupt people have stored the currency notes of 5000, 1000 and 500. If government ban these currency notes and gives a deadline to submit that currency notes for sure they will have to submit it or maybe they can fire it up. So they will be left with no choice, either to give the money back to us or fire it up. 
By the way, corrupt people have no evidence of how they earn that money so we can easily catch them if they submit that money to us.

How to recover our Money that is in the foreign banks?

The government should ask banks to give us our money back, that's will not be easy but it can work. 

Suggestions for Government to Stop Corruption: 

No one wants to do corruption, but there are few people who are greedy but the majority is against corruption. Here are few suggestions
  • The Government should increase the salaries of employees. If not for sure they are going to do corruption and will get more money.( I know we don't have that budget, but this suggestion is after implementing above suggestions ) 
  • The Government should facilitate it's employees both socially and economically. 
  • Higher management should be chosen on merit, and it can bring the change downwards. 
  • Strict rules for those who are involved in corruption. 

Ten Principles of Economics

Ten Principles of Economics How People Make Decisions: 1. People face tradeoff: To get one thing we usually have to give up another ...